148th hosts Minnesota Twins viewing party

Airmen of the 148th Fighter Wing, Duluth, Minn, watch the Minnesota Twins play from the fuel cell while in Duluth, Minn. On August 7, 2011. Fox Sports North (FSN) and the Minnesota Twins supported the First Lady's "Joining Forces" campaign by celebrating military members and their families during a series of Sunday Twins Games where they will be airing their pre and post game shows from various military installations. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Donald L. Acton)

Airmen of the 148th Fighter Wing, Duluth, Minn, watch the Minnesota Twins play from the fuel cell while in Duluth, Minn. On August 7, 2011. Fox Sports North (FSN) and the Minnesota Twins supported the First Lady's "Joining Forces" campaign by celebrating military members and their families during a series of Sunday Twins Games where they will be airing their pre and post game shows from various military installations. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Donald L. Acton)

Fox Sports North's Operation Home Base celebrates military members and their families through a series of Sunday Minnesota Twins games with segments broadcast from various military installations.  The final game in the series takes place at Joint Force Head Quarters, Saint Paul, Minn. on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

Fox Sports North's Operation Home Base celebrates military members and their families through a series of Sunday Minnesota Twins games with segments broadcast from various military installations. The final game in the series takes place at Joint Force Head Quarters, Saint Paul, Minn. on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

Airman 1st Class Elizabeth Freeman of the 148th Fighter Wing, Duluth, Minn, who just returned from basic military school (BMT) and tech school, talks to to a reporter about BMT in Duluth, Minn. On August 7, 2011. Fox Sports North (FSN) and the Minnesota Twins are show-casing the First Lady's "Joining Forces" campaign by celebrating military members and their families during a series of Sunday Twins Games where they will be airing their pre and post games shows from military installations. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Donald L. Acton)

Airman 1st Class Elizabeth Freeman of the 148th Fighter Wing, Duluth, Minn, who just returned from basic military school (BMT) and tech school, talks to to a reporter about BMT in Duluth, Minn. On August 7, 2011. Fox Sports North (FSN) and the Minnesota Twins are show-casing the First Lady's "Joining Forces" campaign by celebrating military members and their families during a series of Sunday Twins Games where they will be airing their pre and post games shows from military installations. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Donald L. Acton)

DULUTH, Minn. -- The 148th Fighter Wing hosted a Minnesota Twins viewing party as part of Fox Sports North's (FSN) Operation Home Base series Aug. 7, 2011. Operation Home Base was created by FSN to show case the First Lady's Joining Forces campaign which highlights the strengths and special needs of military families. Segments from the pre and post game shows were shot from the 148th, featuring interviews from 148th Fighter Wing Commander Col. Frank H. Stokes, Tech. Sgt. Joe P. Bergman, Staff Sgt. Matt H. Hayes, and Airman 1st Class Elizabeth G. Freeman.

In addition to the live interviews, the Wing's Bulldog Enlisted Council sponsored a children's ball toss game, the Minnesota Guard Enlisted Association sponsored a coloring contest, and 1st Lt. Jodi L. Kiminski and Tech. Sgt. Christine C. Sawyer taught children to sing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" which was aired during the seventh inning stretch.

"We're so humbled by FSN's gesture to showcase the 148th Fighter Wing, its members and families. Everyone who attended, especially the military children, had a great time" said Maj. Audra Flanagan, 148th Fighter Wing Executive Officer.

Operation Home Base is a way for FSN and the Minnesota Twins to show their support for the First Lady's Joining Forces campaign. The event was the first in a six-week series of Sunday Twins game events that FSN is holding at various military installations in both Minnesota and North Dakota; the final game of Operation Home Base is slated to be held at Joint Forces Head Quarters, Saint Paul, Minn. on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.